A semi-autobiographical epic drama w/comedy set in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, WTL
depicts the devastating effects of Bolshevik Collectivism on two men and the indomitable woman they both love.
Dramatized, produced and edited by Martin Garrison. Music by Jacob McNatt.
Featuring Roger Adams, Maddison Albregts, Peter Baker, Brianne Buishas, Jerry Christian, Kymberley Cochrane, Simon Ellis, Bryan Ejlund, David George, Margo Goldstein, Lisa Graciano, Will Henry, Christopher Kendrick, Micah Kobayashi, Marika Kuzma, Clarice Lafayette, Joanne Lichtenstein, Francesca Manzi, Beau Marie, Mary Martin, Colin WD McLean, Judy McMillan, Jacob McNatt, Mary Nigohosian, Esther Paine, Cecelia Ramsdale, Ian Russell, William Sage, Richard Savage, Jerry Schultz, James Smillie, Skye Stafford, Stephanie Taylor,
Eli Thorne, Richard Trapp, Hannah-Rose Tristram, Richard Turner, Mikahil Velez, Elanna White, Jane Wing, Chanel Yates.